Nokia X6 display blank problem repair diagram solution

Nokia-Phone-Repair, Picture

With article and troubleshooting guide solution for Nokia X-6 display fault. Problem: Dark display, Scrambled display. Solution: Remove display chip. Make jumper.

How to, (Nokia X-6 display blank ) problem solution

This brand of Nokia cell phone X-6; Is the one of the most popular handsets. Series X is the best series of Nokia BB-5 cell phones. Starting from S-40, S-60 and Nokia X series are very popular all-around.

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    Display problem troubleshooting guide by Studio10.

    When the display issue comes to any mobile phone. There is no light on display, display not working. In many cases, mobile phones can send received calls, but the dark display issue will be ignored. User can see something through a torch or sun light. Some time mobile phone will die after display fault. In many cases, faulted LED back lights are the major cause of this issue. The broken display does not fit into this category. For the broken display you need to replace it. But for the missing something on a motherboard. For example, the LED is not working. Display connectors are missing or carbonated. Light chip is faulted and there is no current for the display lights. Mobile phone repair by Studio10 will help you. Let us start to manage repairing the display issue by steps. 

    Repair ways for bland display problem.

    First of all, you need to clean all the connectors on the display section. You can clean with needle, pin and electronics cleaner. Dry after cleaning by CTC or petrol with hot air. Try to avoid and do not disturb the sensitive part of the mobile phone. The camera, mic and LCD panel comes into a sensitive parts of every cell phone. Do not try to heat main chips as the first solution. See inside the water-damaged mobile phone. If there is any missing or damaged part, you can trace. Try to repair it first, then apply the next step of mobile repair. The next step to troubleshoot for this issue. Some tests are required for a display problem. Here are the important ways of troubleshooting.

    Need more steps to fix display light issue.

    Try to test the current on the display. light pins. If the display links are broken or missing. You can make a direct jumper with the image diagram below. For the display connector repair. You need to start first from the motherboard connector, then display panel strip connector and last LED connector at the back side of panel. The jumper and LED lights are working fine, but the LED current is missing. In this case, you need to fix this issue from the Lights controller section. There could be a separate section or build-on power chip. In separate section of LED lights controller. 

    There could be lights, current filter chip or transistor for a auto-switching. The auto-switch may help to reduce battery life. The display lights are the major things that can drain battery fast. So learn more for the display lights auto-switching. Any way let us go to the point mobile repair by steps.

    Make sure ! The mobile phone software is working fine. You can test it by making a call to another cell phone number. If the call is attended the issue is only with a display section. The display section will be repaired by hardware troubleshooting. If you have a last and final plan to heat the power or CPU section.  You need a dead approval from its owner. Mobile phone will permanently die. This issue will help for the water or quiet damaged display. 

    Final step for the faulted display repair.

    But before going to last step. I recommend you to solve this issue from the display panel. Some time the display panel is the major cause of this issue. I have shot this issue many times in my lab by replacing a display panel. You can test this issue by connecting another LCD if available in a lab. The best way to manage and repair any display issue is a simple way. Just test the mobile phone some different ways. For example: If the display lights are not working. You can test it with a torch light. There is a menu or display icon will be shown by external lights. You can test the faulted LED current by attaching the external current from the battery or power supply. If the LED lights are working fine at the external current. That means the issue is traced and now you can shoot it from Lights controller section.

    More ways to fix it.

    A little bit you can replace the faulted LED lights. The back side at the top of the LCD, there are one or more LEDs you can see after disassemble the LCD. If there are three LED lights into a series. You can test the faulted LED with a check meter or by directing any one. You can make a direct jumper from here to the sim controller section. It will help you for the easy and perfect missing display lights. But for the human mistake, if you have found any thing else here. Please help me to correction that by email or comments section.

    Some time due to water or over voltages this hand set may harm, black display or scrambled display. There are many reasons behind this error. But if your hand-set Display chip is faulty, you can repair this fault by following troubleshooting steps.
    1. Change or check LCD.
    2. Check or change Connectors.
    3. Heat display chip.
    4. Remove display chip.
    5. Give the right direction and make jumpers same as diagram above here.
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