Samsung I9000 Galaxy not charging problem repair way

Samsung-Phone-Repair, Picture
Samsung I-9000 Galaxy Not Charging Mobile Repair.

Setup by setup control not charging problem in "Samsung" I-9000 Galaxy cellphone. First clean (Smart Phone) USB jack with electronics cleaner. If damaged or broken *Change with new. After confirm this check pins of USB jack that are marked with red color line. Like as purple marked no 2 in picture below.

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Three check v-bus. Five volts at purple marked 3 point capacitor. If no volts or drop volts here. As only 2-volts or up to 5 volts, this means low power or high power comes here to charger bus controller ic. Put simple diode like as picture shown below from Charging current in to battery terminal. See also and apply Image diagram of Samsung I-9000 Galaxy Not Charging mobile repair.

How-to, Samsung I-9000 Galaxy Not Charging issue repair.

This diode you can get from any other board. With the rating of 4 volts on battery terminal. You can store the battery now. This trick can work in conditions of instant solution. If you want to repair your cell phone. You need to read this all post and its diagram. In this post. I am going to show you with jumper and article. How to solve Samsung i 9000 Galaxy cell phone charging problem. 
Now link this to positive volts of pin#1 Charger in from USB connector to point 3 Battery terminal positive in. Like as this picture
    Above, diagram may help to connect 4.2 volt diode in charging section. It works with charger from current point to battery terminal power point. Always, Try this diode to insert into a positive lines. If the above diagram may not help you. You can try the next step here. In the next step. I have marked all important parts. With pink lines you can see here. If,  Problem not solved then change charger bus controller ic, like in picture purple marked with point 

    Final, problem in power control, er, and change this carefully or little hot and clean at your own risk. It's a danger set that will go out of power and dead. Remember! One thing always use original charger and battery for this solution when you work at it. All solutions are provided by me and you can try its at your own risk.


    Warning! While working on this trick cell phone, accidentally may have harm faulted dead or stop working. We are not responsible - Please read our Privacy Policy for reports and disclaimer issues.

    If you have a plan to (heat the main chip) with hot air. *Ask your customer for a dead approval before working on this issue. Try it at your own risk. Mobile phone should be permanently died. The updated maximum to its all contents. Professional and helpful, Studio10 blog is a listed on

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