Nokia 206 LCD light problem repair tested diagram help

Nokia-Phone-Repair, Picture
 Nokia-206 LCD Light Problem Jumper ways 

Nokia-206 LCD Light Problem Jumper Ways_ _Repairing guide at Studio10 is helpful for resolving your issue. From this blog, you can learn all about how to get back to work if lights are missing from display of Nokia 206 cell phone. Image diagram can help you to fast fix, lights not working problem.

All about Nokia-206 Light problem repair.

As the solved solution, If you want, get a jumper ways repairing for your issue display lights not working problem. Make sure! you have experience in the repairing of faulted LED lights series section. Here is the image for direct jumper way from the display connector to direct at the LED light strip. See Image, diagram of Nokia-206 LCD Light Problem Jumper Ways.

How-To, Nokia-206 LCD Light Problem Repairing.

As in the diagram above here_ _you can see the one red color line from the display connector pin to direct at the LED strip pin point. It can help to resolve if your LED's are not working issue. There is no current on LED's positive pin point. From the missing LED's current display lights may have stopped working. For the better understanding of this issue, here are some useful and solved tips, tricks to help you for resolving back lights not working problem.
  1. The fire step that you can apply to cleaning the display connector will resolve the lights not working issue of Nokia-206 cell phone.
  2. If the problem still same _try to make the same jumper as above diagram here to resolve Nokia-206 cell phone missing light current.
Take care if you have plans to disassemble your display panel. You need extra care while working at the LED strip panel. There are LED series and you can test its positive pin by testing cheek meter. After testing, complete you can apply the same jumper.
For the direct jumper from_ _LED's strip to display connector, *Required "heating elements" are must have a sharp bit and exact heat.
 If the problem still comes you can change your LCD to another working. You can resolve the lights not working issue from the lights control section. The above jumper way can work for the original brand of Nokia-206 LCD Light Problem Jumper way. Do not apply this image layout diagram jumper at wrong pin or UN-Matched PCB layout. Mobile phone may have harm from human mistake. Please ask your customer for a dead approval if you want heat water-damaged cell phone by repairing.

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Thank you for reading this guide (Nokia-206 LCD Light Problem Jumper Ways) on Studio10 mobile repair. The jumper image diagram is tested by its author (Studio10) you can try it at your own risk__ We are not responsible for any harming issue. Please help us to share this post at social media websites. If you want to get our newsletter, you can subscribe to us free from Studio10 subscription box. Thanks you so much for your time on Studio10. Be_Happy, Take care of you.

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