Samsung SM-G360H full shorted solved solution jumper

 Hi, Today in this blog we are going to fix. How to resolve if Samsung "SM-G360H" has full short and there is no power on response. Beep sound at testing power supply. Motherboard is completely dead. I want to share with you how to fix it so easy, by the way. Here is the working solution in the diagram below. Please follow this guide after read complete this post. I have fixed this issue 100% by following this step. Here in the image diagram. You can see a red marked circle that is showing removed brown capacitor pinpoints. Image below shows here with out brown capsitor.


What is shorted phone issue?

If the battery power or any component on the PCB has been shorted. The phone will be harmed or harmed. Some time it will be warm or battery drain fast. Some time it should not power on. In many cases, I have seen the battery drain fast issue. In this case, "Samsung SM-G360H full shorted" problem. We are going to fix it by removing the charging section brown capacitor

  • Why phone issue come about?

It may come from the water or over a current. Some time due to wrong battery or charging connection. this capacitor will be shorted. In this case, this phone is shorted by water and carbon causes.

How to resolve full shorted phone problem?

There is no one answer, but in the recent situation. We have a diagram above here that makes it so easy. Here are some common ways that may help us fix it. Please do not apply any step with out-conforming. Always remove phone battery or power before repair it. Make sour! you have removed the memory card and sim card. Try safe cleaning with mother board cleaner (MBC). Be careful while working on cell phone hardware for the sensitive components.

  1. See battery connector and check it with testing meter.
  2. If the meter shows full polarity. That mean it is full short.
  3. Try to test it with an external power supply. If you hear any beeps.
  4. The phone is fully shorted. You need to fix it by removing the capacitor.
  5. Clean USB charging slot for the carbon cause.
  6. Clean charging current filter chip and other places.
  7. Always use original charger while working on it.
Problem solved by me after removing the brown capacitor. It is the direct battery connector, the positive pin point, and the other is the ground. If this brown capacitor has been shorted. The battery current will die. The phone is completely dead and there is no power response. I have fixed this problem by above image diagram help. So I plan to share it with online friends and family. Who are searching for repair the Samsung SM-G360H full shorted problem.

Hope! it will work fine for you. If your phone is working good after following these tricks. Please like and share it with your friends. This may help us to improve our services. For further details at how to fix Samsung SM-G360H full shorted problem. Feel free to write a comment in the comment box here. Thank you so much for reading out this blog today at studio10 pk phone repair service.


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