Nokia 108 mmc not detect problem repair diagram help

Nokia-Phone-Repair, Picture

With article and troubleshooting guide solution for Nokia 108 memory card fault. Problem: Insert memory card into slot, Format memory card, No media in gallery or file manager. Solution: Clean memory card jacket. Check the red marked parts. If missing on red marked resistance, make jumper. Image diagram of Nokia 108 mmc not detect issue solution.

Nokia 108 mmc not detect problem solution

    This cell phone model is multimedia supported, but the memory of the cell phone is so small and for more memory we can use a memory card for external memory. On left side of cell phone casing push pull memory card jacket is the major cause for memory card not detected with board. If the memory card did not read from the jacket, we can not use external memory in our cell phone. 

    For faulty mmc jacket we need hard work to change that with 
    another new one cause there are many points under the steel cover and not possible without heat gun hot air. Nokia 108 mmc problem solution here. first confirm that mmc jacket is ok, then change or replace red mark parts near the mmc jacket in picture shown below.

    Troubleshooting guide Nokia mobile phone repair

      1. Clean MMC jacket or change with new one (For change MMC jacket please give hot air from other side of jacket).
      2. Change or make jumpers on black resistances that are red-marked in diagram. 
      3. Format memory card in computer make directory in memory card My music and copy some audio files in my music directory.
      Warning! While working on this trick, if accidentally your handset may have dead or faulted, we are not responsible for that; please read our privacy policy.

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      If, you have a plan to (heat the main chip) with hot air. Ask your customer for a dead approval before working on this issue. Try it at your own risk. Mobile phone should be permanently died. The updated maximum to its all contents. A professional and helpful, Studio10 blog is a listed at blog spot service by Please subscribe us to stay in touch with our recent contents delivery.

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