Samsung Galaxy S4 battery connector problem repair

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All about Samsung Galaxy S4 missing battery connector mobile repairing.

Things, Updated-Max Helpful Studio10 Mobile Repair Guide for Samsung Galaxy S4 missing battery connector jumper ways. In this guide you can learn about. How to fix Samsung S4 missing battery connection by jumper. In condition of missing battery connection.

Mobile phone did not power on. It will die and no charger will respond. No power key response. Completely mobile phones are silent and no any kind of activity. This problem is repairable. By troubleshoot with hardware. Here are the solved tips, tricks and image layout diagram.

Mobile repair of battery terminal not working.

As you can see image below here. It will help you trace for missing battery connector ways. The red line is for the positive current and the yellow color line is for the bios current. The three-number pin is directly for the ground connection. Do not try with small die jumper wire. It may have burnt against the battery power current. Make a direct jumper for the missing pin point only. Test on supply for the first time power on after done this job. You may also see here Picture help diagram for Samsung Galaxy S4 battery connector jumper.

How to fix Samsung Galaxy S4 missing battery connector problem.

If the above diagram does not help you. Let us try fast and easy fix the Samsung Galaxy S4 missing battery connection. First, you need to confirm that the battery is working. Test its related three pin points for current connections. After don this action. Now you need to test the battery terminal for missing pin points. After finding missing pinpoint, make a direct jumper. This section of mobile repair will not help you. You need to troubleshoot more. Here are some general and common ways to repair a dead mobile phone.

How to ? (mobile repair) for dead mobile phone.

Regard to Studio10 mobile repairing guide. You need to clean and dry the power section of the motherboard. Make a close survey with contact lens for the burning or missing parts. If your mobile phone is water damaged. Shorted or missing parts are the major cause of dead mobile phones. Try to feel for overheating power section parts. If your mobile phone has died from faulty software. Please full flash it with software box.
Author (Studio10) of Studio10 Thoughts!
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If you have a plan to (heat the main chip) with hot air. Ask your customer for a dead approval before working on this issue. Try it at your own risk. Mobile phone should be permanently died. 
The updated maximum to its all contents. Professional and helpful, Studio10 blog is a listed at blog spot service by Studio10. Thank you so much for reading out this Samsung Galaxy S4 battery connector jumper ways repairing blog.

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