Nokia 5200+5300 mic ic problem repair diagram help

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Does your cell phone have a mic problem. Are you facing no voice at outgoing call. The phone has no recording voice. Phone mic is faulted or missing from its connection. You are right here, because this blog will help you. With article and troubleshooting guide solution for Nokia 5200-5300 mic fault. Problem: Mic not working, Caller did not hear your voice. Broken mic links. Solution: Record some Audio in recording, No recording, Change mic, Make jumpers. Tolls that are required to resolve mic not working problem here.

  • Working mic for the replacement.
  • Heating element and heat gun.
  • Jumper wire with inflation.
  • Phone liquid cleaner for cleaning PCB.
  • Tuner for open cell phone casing.

How to, "Nokia 5200-5300 mic ic mobile repair"

Over all progress of this cell phone is very good. But it is an old series, and dust or carbon may have harm to its. Due to mic problems, this handset did not send caller voice to other cell phones. To fix this issue, please read and follow our troubleshooting guide.

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    Nokia 5200 cell phone Troubleshooting guide by Studio10

    Some time this cell phone faulty mic is main reason of this fault. But on old cell phones i see in my lab during my job, sound is faulted. During testing sound ic track on mic connections i traced these jumpers. Bellow above diagram for fix missing mic lines on PCB.
    1. Change mic after testing it is faulted.
    2. Clean points on PCB, where mic is connected.
    3. Remove mic filter chip and make jumpers.
      Warning! While working on this trick cell phone, accidentally may have harm faulted dead or stop working. We are not responsible - Please read our Privacy Policy for reports and disclaimer issues. For further reading at Studio10 phone repair tutorial blog. Please feel free to visit the links below here. It will help you with a lot of phone repair tips, tricks and picture-based direct jumper ways diagrams.

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