Nokia X1+X1 01 hands free jack problem repair diagram

Nokia-Phone-Repair, Picture

Let me explain, Nokia X-1+X-1-01 hands free jack problem repair diagram information. I will assist you in resolving. Hands-free problem, there is no response in hands-free connectivity. No sound in hands free speaker. Phone hands free jack faulted. You need a direct jumper to reconnect its missing pinpoints. You are right here. See how it may be resolved. Troubleshooting guide solution for hands free jack fault. Problem: Hand-free logo always on display. Solution: Change hands-free jacks, make jumpers.

How to repair hands-free-jack- mobile problem

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    Repair Troubleshooting Guide from Studio10.

    First to do with this cell phone problem (Hand-free logo always on display), Check and change hands- free. After this checking problem not solved; Open cell phone casing and follow this guide.

    1. Conform, hands-free working on other cellphones.
    2. Clean hands-free jack for water, dust or carbon causes.
    3. Change hands free jack. If it is damaged or broken.
    4. Missing hands-free points on cell phone mother board; Make jumpers.
    Hands-free problem is very easy, repairable. You need to just replace it as the first step. Some time unmatched hands free are the major causes of this problem. Always use original hands-free while testing this fault.
      Warning! While working on this trick cell phone, accidentally may have harm faulted dead or stop working. We are not responsible - Please read our Privacy Policy for reports and disclaimer issues. 

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