Blackberry Armstrong9320 network problem repair solution

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Blackberry Armstrong 9320 network problem solution

With the Fault Description: No network; Low signal. Voice dropping issue during calls. Long range signals are not working. These and other related issues will be solved from here.

All About How to Blackberry Armstrong 9320 network issue.

As the diagram here shows; The jumper wire line is helpful to find and fix the low signal issue of Blackberry Armstrong 9320 cell phone. Try to make direct jumper same as diagram above here. Try any tips, ricks or image repair guide at your own rick. We are not responsible for any harming issue. 

No signal, Low signal or no network 

When this error occurs on any mobile phone. User can not make a call, sound like a fax machine. Call will be auto-dropped. Signal bar shows the low signal strength. This issue could be solved by hardware troubleshooting and software management. From the software management. User can adjust some GSM / CDMA band to auto or manual setting. 

This hard resting of the mobile phone will set its working conditions. For the hardware mobile phone repairing. User could not manage to repair it at home. The shop technical department can repair it on mobile lab. Here are some basic and useful mobile phone repair tips, tricks. With this guide, you can fast fix this issue by following the steps.

How to manage repair signal issue

First thing first, make sure "Signal antenna" is attached to the PCB. If the signal antenna is missing from connectivity with motherboard. User could face low signal; Call drooping or scrambled voice into their mobile phone. Now the next step for the No signal issue. Please test the signal chip for over heating issue. If the signal IC is faulted. The PA chip can be overheated, damaged. 
  • Mobile phone will be full or half shorted. Some mobile phones have a separate section with PA chips. Some have a built-in Power / CPU chip. But every mobile phone has an antenna to boost signal quality. You can identify the signal section by antenna pin points. Try tracing this fault from the antenna pin points to other parts. If the mobile phone is water or liquid damaged. You need to first clean it with electronics cleaner the dry it with hot air. 
 Be careful! while heating or replacing service. 


Please avoid to disturb the sensitive parts of mobile phone. Like a camera, Mic and display panel. If you want, to manage to repair the signal problem with a jumper. Make sure ! your mobile phone motherboard direction is the same as the diagram below. No better, Where to start it. 

But it is important. Try to direct jumpers at the right parts pinpoints. Try to make a direct jumper with good quality jumper wire only. Do not try,  normal wire for any jumper. An isolated wire is required for any jumper. Thank you for visiting today at studio10 blog for all kind of cell phone repair and service. To get more repair news from our side, please subscribe us free today.

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