How to repair USB charger and cable problem by tricks

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The Mobile repairing, Hello there! After long waiting, I am back here now. Today I am going to share with you. All about (Cable and charger) repairing. In this post_you can learn about. How to manage or repair missing, not working USB cable or charger. As you know every cell phone has a rechargeable battery. A good charger can resolve, battery draining issues. Let us start with some fixes for charging section issues.

Why cell phone have slow charging?

There are many reasons behind this issue. But the very common in troubleshooting was the basic. A faulted charger, USB cable jack or charging sections are the major causes. In this guide we are going to fix this issue with steps. Please keep in mind! while working with our tricks, mobile phone may have harm. In any situation of harming issue, we are not "Responsible" for any claim.
Try at your self.
First thing first, if cell phone charging is slow and after all night charging. There is no good news for battery full at the battery icon. That means, "Charger" current not above from the two AMP or USB cable jack has a carbon issue.

Troubleshoot slow charging issue. 

First, you need to clean the USB jack with a needle. Then you can test your cell phone with another original charger at home. If you have no external charger at the spot. Please purchase a new original charger of your brand. Do not use any low quality material accessories for your cell phone.

If problem still same and there is no success for the slow charging issue. You need to contact a mobile repair shop. For slow charging repairs, some hardware troubleshooting steps are required. For example, the USB charging base may have been damaged or missing from the motherboard. Some of the power filter chip has an issue. 

For the faulted or low quality charger. The cell phone battery should not reach at the proper charging current and cell phone battery draining fast issue you may faced. For proper charging your charger out put current must be above 2-AMP current. 

Some other ways to fix slow charging issue.

Try connecting your cell phone by using a fresh USB data cable with your desktop or laptop. If you have a power bank, you can test your cell phone with it. If your cell phone is still off into the store for a long time. You need to charge a battery with an external charging source; for example, a multi charger. The fully empty battery required 30 mints to show its charging bar logo.

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