How to repair cell phone mic not working issue by steps

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The Mobile repairing, at Studio10Mic is an internal or external part of your cell phone. Mic should be present on the PCB. If mic section has any issues with its job. You may have faced some voice recording or sending to other cell phone via call may have affected. In both conditions it was called a mic not working problem. Today we are going to fix mic not working issue by troubleshooting steps. Let us start!

Repairing mic not working issue solution.

Mics are a sensitive part of every cell phone. It can convert input signals to digital or analog electronics signals. Its size and diameter should be different in the categories. Every cell phone mic has the same job but for the quality of voice. The digital mics are very good.

Build on PCB Mic.

Every cell phone has a built-in mic on their PCB. If the mic has any issue with any cell phone. User can use the external mic via Bluetooth, Hands free or separate mic. 

What to do with mic not working issue.

First, you need to identify your cell phone mic issue via some calls or recording your voice. If there is no response. You can test more with your cell phone hands-free. Make sour! head phone mic is present and working fine. In the situation of the mic not working, there is a hardware problem. Let us fix this by troubleshooting as a step here.

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  • Clean mic hole for the dust or carbon causes.
  • Replace __ mic with other working or new mic.
  • See some broken links for mic.
Cleaning mic hole is a basic step for mic not working issue. Some time poor quality voice problems have been resolved by cleaning the mic hole from dust or carbon.

Replacing of mic is a major step in this guide. Be-careful _ Do not "over heat" any mic pin points. You can use multi-mic at the two pin mic place. But for the digital mics replacing. You will need the same mic for the change or replacement. 

The missing links of mic or mic not working issue may have come from broken links of PCB. For the missing links of mic, "You need" to find / trace with testing probe. After finding a missing pin points of mic. Try to direct jumper from one to other point directly with good quality insulated jumper wire only.

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