How to add new google analytics code to blog html

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Did you know? Google Analytics has now changed. By its new features and lot of other monitoring tools. We are able to get a better user experience. We can monitor more, easier and better for our business, blog or ads. We can monitor whatever we want.  Due to its new way, now, the old UA-00000000 code is now not available. There are some other ways to add analytics to blog, website or apps. Let me explain for How to? add new google "analytics" code to blog html. It will help those who are new and have no idea about where to start. If you have a blog, you want, to monitor its traffic. You need an analytics configuration. After done it, you can apply for adsense, you can get more audions and lot of other benefits from google.

Method 1, Adding new google analytics code to blog html.

Intermediate level tutorial help. First, you need Google Analytics account. After creating a new account, now you need to get data streams menu. You can approach this here by mousing at admin, setting the gear icon. In new windows, you can see the data streams link. You can add new website, blog link by using web. In the new form, you will need to input a blog address and its name. It will look like this.
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=" measurement id here"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'your measurement id here'); </script>
  • You need to replace the green color text with your MEASUREMENT ID.

Nex step to add it into blogger html theme.

After understanding above method. We need to place the above code into blogger theme html head section. Before going to add it please copy the above script code from here, then replace its green text with your measurement id. You can use Notepad's new text file to do it. Now we need to open blogger dashboard. Then Blog theme html. We need to find <head> section. In many cases it is available at the beginnings of theme html. Now paste the edited code after <head> line.

Another way you can add your site from Google tag manager. You need a new account to do it. You can directly switch from data streams to get a new or already signed in account. In Google Tag Manager, first you need to add a new container. Basically, it is the page, where you can monitor your google tag manager tags, triggers, variables, etc.

Method 2, How to create new tag for Analytics GA4.

Step one, mousing at the tag. Then create new tag. Un titled tage mean type here your tag name, for example" I have written it, GA4 Analaytic-studio10. Type here your desired name. Then for the TAG configuration. You need to select Google anlytics: Ga4 configuration. See a picture example here for an easy understanding of its process.

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  • As the mention as you can see, the tag description for Google Analytics GA4 configuration.

Step two, Adding new trigger to tag in tag manager. Yes, you need to add a new trigger. If you have see, only pages monitoring option. You can add more options by adding variables. See other related picture help here for better understanding to add new trigger into tag of google tag manager.

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  • As mentioned above, we have completed the tag with its trigger. Now we need, go to the next step.

How to add tag manager script to blog html.

Same as the above method, for analytics, now we are going to add tag manager script into bog theme html <head> but with default code some time there is a problem while saving html theme. Because something is missing with the default code. You need to follow this way. It may help you to add Google tag manager script code so easy. 

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As the above mentioned, in the picture, you can see two codes. Let me explain, by working method here. First you need to copy, then paste it into a text file for editing. Now you need to replace the green text with your tag manager container. It looks like "GTM-avcedefg" here.

Copy the code below and paste it on to every page of your website.
  • Paste this code as high in the <head> of the page as possible:

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->


new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],



})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-your id');</script>

<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

  • Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening <body> tag:
<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src=""
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->

Additionally we have done! all process. Now we need to submit it online. We can add tag manager plug into chrome. We need to open it to submit it in the same browser. You can add Tag Asisstant optionaly into chrome plugin. Once you have done this, everything is correct. You can see analytics debug manager information in tag manager for analytics details. Look like this picture as mentioned here.

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Hope, you have enjoyed the studio10 Tutorial-Blog for How to add new google analytics code to blog html. You have learned here, mainly by two methods. One direct from the google analytics and second by the google tag manager. We have added tag assistant plugin into chrome. We have submitted a tag container, then we are now monitored by Google tag manager. 

Basically, for the analytics, we have a head code into our blog html. But without adding, tag manager script to our blog head. We can direct integration it from google analytics by configure google tag manager to our site, link. In condition of adding google analytics code to our blog html head section. We have no need to add more tags for analyitcs basic monitoring. Because the Google tag manager is configured by analytics and we have a pair of these combination SEO tools at the spot.

One, Google analyitics. Two, google tag manager. Tree google search console. That is all, we can add one by one together into each combine configuration for our blog or link. Thank you so much to read this blog, studio10 phone repair help for all kind of solved solutions. Please share it and write your comments for us to improve our services. 


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